For Parents – How can you teach your kids about the importance of farming?

Family & Lifestyle

For Parents – How can you teach your kids about the importance of farming?

While describing the technological advancement of mankind through ages, H.G. Wells in his 1913 novel ‘The World Set Free‘, observed that “Civilization was the agricultural surplus“. Agriculture and farming of domesticated animals were the prime factors behind the development of human civilizations. Primitive attempts by our ancestors in collecting crops from the wild can be traced to at least 100,000 years back, while evidences for domestication of animals for food dates back 15,000 years.

Agriculture still plays a vital role in the survival of mankind and eradication of poverty from our world. Modern day agriculture is more focused on producing food products using sustainable farming methods.

Agriculture is not crop production as popular belief holds – it’s the production of food and fiber from the world’s land and waters. Without agriculture it is not possible to have a city, stock market, banks, university, church or army. Agriculture is the foundation of civilization and any stable economy.

In the words of Rhodesian ecologist and environmentalist Allan Redin Savory – who was a pioneer among those who promoted the idea of sustainable agriculture – the very foundation of mankind exists on the pillars of agriculture and responsible farming methods.

In Sustainable Agriculture, the objective is to produce food, fiber and other plant/ animal products without causing any harm to our environment, other living things and without reducing the chances of survival for our future generations.

So it is the duty of every grownup to teach our future generation about the importance of agriculture. Tell them about plants, trees and farming methods, and teach them about the benefits of farming and gardening. In this introductory article, we will be discussing about how parents can ignite the passion for farming in kids and the various lessons that kids can learn from farming and nature.

How parents can ignite the passion for farming in kids?

Parents can share the passion for nature and environment with their kids by teaching them about the importance of farming, the benefits of planting trees and plants, and how to take personal care of them. Talking with children and taking them to visit farms – even small farms will do – will invoke the spark of interest in them about farming. Having such matured conversations also allow kids to understand the various ways in which agriculture influence our community life.

Providing kids with child friendly tools and gardening equipment and involving them in various farming or gardening activities like digging and planting new saplings, identifying and removing weeds, watering, mulching etc allow kids to observe, take part and learn through interaction. Parents can introduce their kids to the basic steps of farming by encouraging them to start a small kitchen garden – or even an indoor balcony or window sill potted garden – where they can grow vegetables, herbs or flowers. This gives them the opportunity to touch, see and smell their own plants and learn through interaction. Involving the kids in the planning and designing stage of the garden also allow them to express their creative views with confidence.

Some important lessons of life that kids can learning from farming

Farming and agriculture related activities allow a kid to interact directly with nature. Planting trees and plants, visiting farms and taking care of farm animals strengthens the bond between a child and Mother Nature and teaches them the basic lessons of eco-friendliness, environmental care and being socially responsible.

By taking part in farming and gardening activities the child can learn about the connection between agriculture and the food that we eat. Through such activities, kids can observe and learn the ways in which farmers contribute to the society by producing good food for all. This is an important lesson as they learn how the food that we eat is produced and also learn the basics about social duties. By observing farmers, kids can also learn about the importance of taking care of land, its resources and animals.

Involving in group activities like setting up a small garden – either with their parents or with other children – will provide the child an opportunity for self-understanding and identifying their own strengths and weaknesses. It also improve their capabilities in being part of a team and sharing responsibilities. It also provide an efficient workout for sharpening their problem solving and planning skills.

By performing activities like getting rid of weeds and bugs from the garden, using compost to keep soil healthy, watering the plants and taking care of the garden makes kids more responsible and mature in their thinking.

Taking care of or getting involved with plants is a great nature oriented activity for kids. The physical and mental freshness that comes from being outdoor – even being with plants in the case of a small indoor garden – is an added bonus of getting your kid involved in gardening. Growing their own fruits and vegetables and harvesting them with their own hands also promote the habit of eating healthily in kids.

You as a parent, can make gardening a thrilling family project, by actively encouraging and involving your kids.

While promoting gardening or any other farming methods in children, proper care should be given to ensure that your children are always safe. Make sure that there are no harmful chemicals or unsafe tools within the reach of kids. Adult supervision is always recommended.

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